Wednesday, June 16, 2010

How Do I Clear Up My Acne - 3 Sweet Poisons to Avoid to Cure Your Acne in Days

By Lauren Renae'
'How do I clear up my acne?' is the number one question when it comes to skin problems. Acne is one of those natural occurrences that everyone goes through and eventually goes away but for some people that's just not true, I am a living example of this. But through my journey of battling acne I have discover that acne correlates directly with what I eat!

Sweet Poisons to Avoid!

1.    White Sugar- Is fully a 100% pure chemical that has no nutritional value and has been discovered to have a direct attachment to raising the levels of acne. It also lowers the vitality of white blood cells and it enables the body's immune system from being able to react quickly to harmful invaders.

2.    White Flour- Not only is this bad for your acne, it also bad for your body. Most white flour is chemically bleached, during this process 80% of vitamins and mineral, and 75% of fiber is destroyed. White flour clogs up the digestive system and therefore causes constipation.

3.    White Rice- Use to be brown rice before they processed it, and it has been stripped of all its nutrients just like white flour, and causes bloating along with raising your body fat.

All three of these are refined carbohydrates. This means that after you consume these carbohydrates it begins to quickly raise your blood sugar levels. In order for your body to bring those levels down it has to secrete a rush of insulin, male hormones, and IGF-1 which is insulin growth factor.

So you might be asking what does this mean. Your liver and internal systems are being overwhelmed by the secretion of these hormones. The male hormones that have been released in excess and cause the skin to secrete sebum oil in huge amounts. Sebum oil agitates your acne, because it is a greasy substance that helps bacteria to grow.
Acne Free In One Night Guaranteed!

I hoped I gave you a way to answer your question How Do I Clear []Up My Acne, but there is so much more to learn. And if you're tired of being known as that person with the bad skin, exhausted of wondering if people are focusing on you instead of your acne, and want to get your confidence back and more please feel free to visit my website for more tips and methods.

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